Friday, October 4, 2013

Just on time: The ISTUS Report

Here it is: The ISTUS Report! Based on literature review, case studies, knowledge exchange and qualitative interviews in seven European countries, this 64-pages document elucidates experiences, conditions, criteria, and arguments for the choice of strategy concerning the uptake of social media by institutions in adult education. The report is available as an ebook from the Mykolas Romeris University, free of charge under a creative commons licence (BY-2.0).

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Social Media Top Trumps

This week while participating in a JISC webinar on Assessment and Feedback I came across Top Trump cards for technology / collaboration tools. The site is work in progress and so not yet complete but it is a great overview of the many social media tools that are available and how they may be used in education.

I really like this resource and think it would be great to point beginners towards as a summary of the tools available for teaching.

You can check out the resource from here: